B.Sc. Degree Examination
(Examination at the end of Semester - V)
Paper - V: Inorganic, Physical and Organic Chemistry
Time : 3 Hours] [Max: 75 Marks
Part - A (6x5 =25 Marks)
Answer any Five from the following eight questions.
1. Write an account of geometrical isomerism in complexes taking two examples.
2. Give a detailed account of stereo isomerism exhibited by coordination compounds.
3. Describe the magnetic properties of complex compounds.
4, Write a short note on Nef reaction.
5: Write any two methods of preparation of primary, secondary and tertiary amines.
6. How do primary, secondary and tertiary amines differ in their reaction towards benzene sulphonyl chloride.
7. Explain the term entropy. Show that it is state function.
8. Explain Joule-Thomson effect. Describe its two applications.
(5 x 10 = 50 Marks)
Answer All questions. Each question carries 10 marks
9. (a) (i) List out different types of structure isomerism exhibited by coordination compounds and give one example for each type.
(ii) Give schematic representation of the splitting of d - orbital in an octahedral field.
(b) (i) Explain the mole ratio method to determine the composition of a complex.
(ii) Describe the determination of magnetic Susceptibility.
10. (a) (i) Write the fundamental postulates of Werner's coordination theory.
(ii) Explain briefly factors affecting the. stability of complex.
(b) What do you understand by the term stability constant. What is its relation with dissociation constant. Give various factors which affect the stability of a complexion.
11. (a) (i) Mention any two differences of alkyl nitrites and Nitro alkanes.
(ii) What happens when nitro methane is subjected to base catalyzed condensation with CH
(b) Formulate the reactions of NaOBr (NaOH + Br.) on the following.
(i) CH
12. (a) Write a note on
(i) Electrophilic substitution of aromatic amines.
(ii) Oxidation of aryl and tertiary amines.
(b) (i) What are the products formed by the reduction of alkyl nitrite and nitroalkane with metal and acid.
(ii) Write any three general methods of preparation of nitroalkanes.
13. (a) What is Joule-Thomson effect. Discuss the use of adiabatic expansion and Joule-Thomson cooling in liquefaction of gases.
(b) (i) Explain the entropy changes in reversible and irreversible processes.
(ii) Discuss the conditions of equilibrium and spontaneity in terms of free energy.