B.Sc. Degree Examination
(Examination at the end of Semester - V)
Paper-VI: Inorganic, Organic and Physical Chemistry
Time : 3 Hours] [Max: 75 Marks
Part|| A] (5 x5 = 25 Marks)
Answer any Five from the following eight questions.
1. Define the terms ‘inert complex’ and ‘outer complex’. Give one example each.
2. How does Haemoglobin act as carrier of oxygen?
3. Explain the terms Molecularity and order of a reaction.
4. What is the effect of temperature on reaction rates ?
5. How is quantum yield determined experimentally?
6. Explain why pyridine undergoes electrophilic substitution at 3-position.
7. What is peptide bond? Explain with suitable examples.
8. How do you distinguish Glucose from Fructose?
(5x 10=50 Marks)
Answer All questions.
Each question carries 10 marks
9. (a) Explain SN1 and SN2 substitution reactions of square planar complexes with examples.
(b) Give an account on the biological importance of Na
+, Ca
+2, Mg
+2, Ni
+2, Zn
+2 and Cl
- ions in the biological systems.
10. (a) Derive an expression for the rate constant of a first order reaction. Give two examples for first order reaction.
(b) Explain the following
(i) Thermal and photochemical processes.
(ii) Photochemistry of H
2 and H
2 reactions.
(iii) Photosensitization.
11. (a) Give an account on the aromaticity of furan, thiophene, pyrrole and benzene.
(b) How will you prepare the following compounds from pyrrole and write the mechanisms.
(i) 2-Nitro pyrrole.
(ii) 2-Acetyl pyrrole.
(iii) 2-Formyl pyrrole.
12. (a) Establish the structure of D-Glucose.
(b) How will you convert.
(i) Aldohexose to aldopentose.
(ii) Aldose to its epimer.
13. (a) Explain the following methods of synthesis of α - amino acids.
(i) Strecker synthesis.
(ii) Gabriel phthalimide synthesis.
(iii) Koop synthesis.
(b) Describe the structure of proteins.