Andhra University Degree 5th Semester Computer Science Paper - V (Data Base Management Systems) Question Paper of the year 2017 is available here. (Taken from Test Papers) Check it below.
Year - 2017
Andhra University
B.Sc. (CBCS) Degree Examination
Fifth Semester
Computer Science
Time : 3 Hours Max: 75 Marks
[Section - A] (5 x 5 = 25 Marks)
Answer any five questions.
1. List the drawbacks of file based system.
2. Discuss the objectives of DBMS.
3. What is an ER diagram? List and explain its symbols.
4. Explain CODD rules.
5. Explain about domain relational calculus.
6. Explain about data types in SQL.
7. Explain the concepts of Exception Handling.
8. What are triggers? Explain various types of triggers.
[Section - B] (5 x 10 = 50 Marks)
Answer the following (One fram each Unit).
Unit I
9. Explain the DBMS approach, advantages, and its classifications.
10. Explain the terms data, Information, Database, and DBMS. Explain DBMS architecture.
Unit II
11. Explain the procedure of reducing E-R diagram to tables with suitable illustrations.
12. What are the features of Enhanced Entity Relationship model? Also, explain about generalization and specialization.
Unit III
13. Explain about relational data. model, also discuss about relational algebra, relational algebra operations, their advantages, and limitations.
14. Explain about relational calculus and tuple relational calculus.
Unit IV
15. Explain about
(a) commands in SQL
(b) DDL
(c) Aggregate functions.
16. Explain about
(a) DML
(b) Embedded SQL
(c) Table modification commands.
Unit V
17. Explain the structure of PL/SQL and also the short comings in SQL.
18. Explain about
(a) Operator precedence in PL/SQL
(b) Iterative control
(c) Steps to create cursors in PL/SQL
Special Thanks to Yamuna for uploading this Question Paper.